

Celia Conrad (London)

Relationship Coach
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Who I am and why I can help you

I’m Celia Conrad, relationship coach, an accredited break-up and divorce coach, a certified grief educator, and certified energy healer (focusing on relationship trauma). Whether you’re looking for coaching on any relationship challenges you may be experiencing, or you’re already going through a relationship break-up, divorce or other loss, I can support you to create positive lasting change.

My purpose is to empower you to take back control of your life whatever your relationship issue. Life can be very tough and throw us many curved balls but how we respond to life events is what makes all the difference. I am passionate about helping you heal from break-up and loss and living as happy a life as possible. I am committed to assisting you in achieving the best outcome for you.

I am no stranger to personal loss and what it feels like to suffer heartache and heartbreak, fractured relationships and the devastation of losing loved ones in tragic circumstances. I understand those feelings of isolation and loneliness and not having anyone to guide me during my darkest times. I realise how much I would have benefitted from having someone to provide emotional and practical support to me as I navigated the process. And I am also a specialist family lawyer (non-practising), campaigner for child law reform and author of the legal handbook Fathers Matter – the essential guide to contact on separation and divorce.

My practice as a family lawyer working in London involved high conflict, high-net-worth complex cases, often with an international element and of a highly sensitive and confidential nature. When we are going through a divorce or break-up, we have to make a number of key decisions. It is ironic that, particularly in the early stage of a divorce or break-up where we need to be emotionally strong and able to make these important decisions about our future and the future of our children, we will be at our most vulnerable emotionally.

The fact is it is very difficult to make rational decisions when we are in a high state of anxiety and feeling emotionally charged. Support during this time to help decrease the intensity of emotion and to shed clarity on the situation will make it easier for you to deal with overwhelm and stress and to make strategic decisions.

How I can help you

  • My coaching is tailored to your own particular/individual set of circumstances.
  • I recognise that we are all different and that not everyone experiencing the fall-out from a relationship break-up, will feel the same or deal with issues at the same pace.
  • I created the H.E.A.L. Method ™ to enable you to move on from the pain of divorce, and heartbreak to create long-lasting loving relationships.
  • The H.E.A.L. Method ™ is bespoke and tailored to your individual needs making it the right fit for you, whatever your relationship status.
  • It equips you with the emotional and practical skills to enable you to effectively move through every stage of the process and break through any barriers holding you back. No more feeling “stuck”.
  • It empowers you to take the action necessary for you to move forward from the pain, take back control, regain self-confidence and design the new life you want to create, just for you.
  • By integrating the H.E.A.L. Method ™ into my coaching practice and combining it with my coaching skills, life experience and experience as a former specialist family lawyer, I am in a unique position to support you.


‘Celia has a really calm and reassuring coaching style.  She continues to help me gain clarity on my darkest issues.  Her coaching has given me so many great insights into my behaviours and helped me recognise the positives. I am able cope so much better with my emotions following my relationship breakdown as a result of her coaching.’ Lucia

‘I’m so happy about my sessions with Celia. She is warm, insightful and she made me feel comfortable to talk about my problems. She approached my issues in a way that made me feel heard as she quickly understood the mechanics of my thought process. She gave me invaluable support and help. She shared a number of tools on how to love myself more and look after myself in difficult times. I am now in a much better place. I’m lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Celia. I feel much stronger now and back on track with my life. Thank you so much.’ Marlena


  • One to one coaching
  • Couples coaching
  • Bespoke coaching packages
  • Rapid response coaching calls
  • Zoom or phone sessions.
  • In person session by special request


  • Please email


  • FREE no-obligation 20-minute relationship clarity call

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through divorce