Separating from your partner and unravelling the entwinement of your lives is usually a daunting prospect for most people and that is particularly so when there are minor children involved whose own emotions need to be carefully managed at a time when you yourself are likely to be feeling insecure and unsure about your future. Obtaining sensible early specialist family law advice is the best stepping stone to moving forward.
I have been working in family law since 2000 and qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Legal Executives in 2006. I like to work with my clients to guide and support them through this difficult time. We discuss the legal options and processes involved together so that my clients can make an informed decisions including how much the options available to them are likely to cost to achieve.
I have been a member of Resolution from the beginning of my legal career. That is a nationwide organisation committed to dealing with family legal disputes in a constructive, amicable and cost effective way whenever possible. In January 2013, I became a Resolution Accredited Specialist in my primary working areas of private law children matters and advanced financial provision.
Having worked in family law for fifteen years, I have gained a lot of experience. I regularly act for clients separating or divorcing and requiring advice and assistance to obtain a financial settlement either through negotiations, mediation or via court proceedings or those needing to varying an order after a change of circumstances. I have acted in a broad spectrum of cases including those involving businesses and farms.
I also have experience of advising unmarried partners on seeking financial provision for their children upon separation and for couples contemplating a life together with pre-nuptial agreements and ante-nuptial agreements. What I find most rewarding is helping to resolve complex cases involving children. I also have experience of cases seeking to apply for or defend an application by a parent to permanently relocate with children abroad.
I work for Selby Lowndes Solicitors, a niche family law firm in Oxfordshire and can see clients at our offices in Faringdon or in Oxford or Abingdon.
I have been mentioned in the Legal 500 since 2013 and was said to be 'renowned for her advice and calm approach to children work'.
Client testimonial: 'Thank you so much for your expert support and guidance throughout this process. You have been fantastic in your advice and I truly feel satisfied with the result'.