

Claire Field (Worcestershire)

Managing Director
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About Claire

I am the author of the Parenting Apart Programme and completely passionate and fully committed in helping to support parents, families going through divorce and separation.

Through my own personal experience, and from a child’s perspective, I certainly know first-hand and totally appreciate that without the right support for parents the devastating impact family breakdown can have on children today as it did many years ago on my sister and me.

I truly believe as I said to my sister not long ago considering what happened to us and what we experienced “we have done alright!!” She smiled at me, no words were needed. I have written and deliver the Parenting Apart Programme a unique methodology to develop and implement a Parent Working Agreement (PWA) for parents who have made the decision to separate or divorce.

This 5 week programme has been specifically designed to support parents, and the emotional wellbeing of children, through separation and divorce. It offers unique and individual advice and support which enables the outcome to be positive and beneficial to the whole family whilst prioritising the emotional and physical wellbeing of the children.

The Parenting Apart Programme can be offered as another alternative choice alongside mediation, if you are a family law solicitor and you feel that your clients need more support to help address the children matters than the Parenting Apart Programme is definitely an option to be considered.

A PWA is a document which both parents agree to abide by, and can be filed alongside a Court Order. The document spells out in detail how the parents agree to work together in the best interest of the child and will cover practical aspects of parenting apart such as residency, overnight stays, holidays, hand over arrangements and can include timings and flexibility.


“Claire is, quite simply, a miracle-worker. She provides a unique and inexpensive way in which parents can learn to communicate better for the benefit of their children. In three years of seeing her involvement in cases, I have seen her transform families and parents in ways that no other course, training, mediation or method can. She is entirely child-focused.

Her energetic personality and robust but sensitive approach to parents and children and their individual issues and challenges brings out the best in all with whom she sets out to help and, ultimately, brings families closer and parents to a working communication around the child.

Her perceptive nature tunes into the real issues facing each family and achieves lasting results remarkably quickly, with positive feedback from those reporting back, having undertaken her Parenting Apart Programme. Claire sets the model of how separated parents can co-parent their children. ” Kristina Brown, Family Barrister – No5 Chambers Birmingham.

How the programme can help

  • Reduces the time and expense of Court proceedings.
  • Alleviates the huge time delay between the non-resident parent and child
  • Avoids Court proceedings
  • It gives parents back the control and responsibility of making decisions
  • Enables parents to communicate together
  • Work out a personal bespoke Parent Working Agreement

Support through the programme

  • Review meetings
  • Advice and guidance through its duration
  • Face to face consultation
  • Telephone support

Benefits of the Programme for Family Law Solicitors

  • To offer clients different options i.e. mediation or ADR. Depending on their circumstances and to identify what their needs are
  • Achieves better outcomes for families and carries the voice of the child/ren
  • The Parenting Apart Programme can be sign posted from mediation
  • Can be directed by the Court - Contact Activity Order
  • The Parenting Apart Programme has received significant judicial praise locally 

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